Tarot Series: The Knights

Each 9×12, Oil on Canvas

The Knights are all about forward momentum. My model, therefore, is a lean and muscular man, ready for action. In addition to forceful qualities or energetic (and often very sexy) people, these cards can refer to big events.

The Knight of Wands represents promising action and an exciting happening. Things are moving, and moving in a good way.

The Knight of Cups is that motion directed towards emotion . This is the card of jumping into love, or even jumping into a spiritual path. Which may be great, or it may mean suddenly finding yourself in a marriage ceremony with your cult leader.

The Knight of Swords means extreme enthusiasm and wild swift action. If the card represents an event, it’s one that hits like a tornado and dissipates as quickly. Whether positive or negative, you’ll need to brace yourself!

The Knight of Pentacles is sedate in comparison. He’s stable and methodical, and has a good work ethic. This may refer to a long term situation where clear progress is made, but in a careful, serious way.

If we’re talking romance, things aren’t standing still. The Querent may be advised to take a second to pause and assess. Which may not be easy, because those Knights are distractingly hot.

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